
Thursday 11 December 2014

Over thinking

This week has been spent over thinking everything. If like me, you have sat there staring at the screen for, God only knows how long, and repeatedly saying "The has to be an easier way than this. "
Then I guarantee you this, there is. Go and have a cuppa or a beer, let your head relax for two minutes and, what just took three and half hours, has suddenly just been reduced to three and a half minutes.
Twenty five lines of code, condensed into just four. Aaaaaaaagggggggghhhhhhhh I've been doing it all week.
Anyway, enough of my ranting. I thought it only fair that after such a headache, I should at least let you know what your going to look like in the game. So here you are.

Your thoughts are always appreciated. I still really need a proof reader by the way.
Have a great weekend and rest a little, charge your batteries and think of nothing.

The Doc


  1. And I know your not wearing a your t-shirt before anyone points it out. This will be fixed, at some.

  2. What do you mean, t-shirt? I'm not wearing one either.

  3. Yeah, gotta love pounding your head at something for hours only to find the fix in mere minutes later. Another one of the alluring aspects of code. ;)

    Looks like you got it coming along. As for the proof reading thing, I think many (most?) people often wait until a game nears its end before offering themselves up for that unless they are 'part of the team' and working alongside.

    For one, parts of games are often added and changed, so it may be a waste of time early on. Likewise, there are tons of examples of good ideas that don't quite come to fruition. It's not a dig at authors - this crap is hard to do! - but most don't want to spend large amounts of time proofreading/fixing something that may never see the light of day.

    So I wouldn't lose hope on getting a proofreader, just might wait until you are nearing the end of the game or find a partner who just likes to do that sort of stuff, I suppose.

    Anyhow keep us up to date! Looks like you are making good headway.

    1. You make a very good point Spike, thanks for that, really didn't occur to me before. Just because I know somethings gonna be finished, it does not follow suit that others do.
      I'm plodding along nicely and will keep the updates going.
      Thanks again.

  4. There is a technique in programming that I have friends who do. Keep a rubber duck next to your desk. When you get stuck on something look at the duck and explain the problem out loud. You would be surprised how many times saying something out loud makes your brain click. Like what you described.
