
Thursday 15 January 2015

Mucking Fuddle

I am sure I am not the first author to get myself in a mucking fuddle.  I write a bit more every day, the trouble is, it's never in the same place as yesterday, What I mean is that, I write a bit for one character one day, and then a bit for another the next day. This is fine to an extent, but, in reality, all I'm doing is creating a jumble of unfinished  parts of the game. I know they should all come together in the end but, I spend most of the time cross referencing and forgetting what I wrote two weeks ago and, therefore, end up in a mucking fuddle.
From now on, I am going to make a concerted effort to just do one bit at a time, and hey, who knows? I must just end up with something closer to what I want, and not, something I would just play through because it's on the list.
So that's where I am, and although it all sounds a little bleak. it's actually not that bad, I'm just at the stage where it all has to start coming together, ONE piece at a time.
Have a great weekend, be merry.

The Doc

Sunday 4 January 2015

Happy New Year

Happy New Year one and all, I hope you have a fantastic 2015 and that the parties were outstanding. Personally I am still suffering with a hangover but, I am ready to start moving again.
Congratulations to Purple Dragon on his award, a worthy winner indeed, and long may the awards continue.
And that's it from me, I have nothing to report, because nothing's been done.
Until the next time.

The Doc