
Thursday 15 January 2015

Mucking Fuddle

I am sure I am not the first author to get myself in a mucking fuddle.  I write a bit more every day, the trouble is, it's never in the same place as yesterday, What I mean is that, I write a bit for one character one day, and then a bit for another the next day. This is fine to an extent, but, in reality, all I'm doing is creating a jumble of unfinished  parts of the game. I know they should all come together in the end but, I spend most of the time cross referencing and forgetting what I wrote two weeks ago and, therefore, end up in a mucking fuddle.
From now on, I am going to make a concerted effort to just do one bit at a time, and hey, who knows? I must just end up with something closer to what I want, and not, something I would just play through because it's on the list.
So that's where I am, and although it all sounds a little bleak. it's actually not that bad, I'm just at the stage where it all has to start coming together, ONE piece at a time.
Have a great weekend, be merry.

The Doc

1 comment:

  1. I think that is one of the possible pitfalls that come about working leisurely on a project, more so needing to do it solo. But as you said, it isn't necessarily a terrible thing, just how it goes (needing to reread what you wrote for an area, etc.)

    I imagine some things can help with that. Good commenting or layout of your story as you write it. Making notes, either on paper, notepad, a spreadsheet, or similar managing programs to kind of track what all you were working on when you stopped so you know where to go back to, etc.

    I guess we all have to find our own way of doing things though. At least you are still writing away and making progress, that is the main thing! Hope it stays interesting for you and looking forward to it!
