
Monday 27 October 2014

Update Four


The last couple of weeks have consisted of implementing things into the things I implemented.
Pillows on beds, clothes in wardrobes, buttercups in the meadow etc. It's all very tedious but, it all has to be done.
I decided to become an alcoholic, to help, through the tedious times. This is not going very well at all.
During my first drunken stupor and, mistaking them for Smarties, I took twenty paracetamol, alas, I awoke eighteen hours later with a splitting headache.
"I fear that, if it ware not for bad luck, I would have no luck at all." I mused, while scratching my left bollock and wiping the drool from my chin.
I have now become teetotal, although, I'm not sure how long that will last either, for I miss coffee so much.
Life is hectic.

Until the morrow, or the morrow after that, and so on. Be good

The Doc


  1. Oh man, I know that's terrible, but also pretty darkly funny. Glad your OK after that sort of overdose.

  2. Hey, no more of that! If you get bored through the tedium try listening to some music, taking a break and working on a sex scene (getting all the responses for trying things), that sort. At the very least keep you a handful of smarties on the computer desk next to you. =)

    We all are eager for a game no doubt, but we don't need you clocking out while you work at it!

  3. Just so you all know, it was a joke, Smaties come in a tube and are filled with chocolate, you could never confuse them for paracetamol.
    But the story comes from a friend of mine, who, after losing his missus and kids, (Walked out, not died) took an overdose of about paracetamol, thinking she would feel sorry for him and come home.
    I went to see him in hospital and asked how he was feeling and he replied "Belief it or not, I have a headache. " My sense of humor being what it is, I just sat and laughed at him for ten minutes.
    His missus never came back but he does see his kids a lot.
    Ironic though huh?
