
Sunday, 24 December 2017

It's Christmas!!

It really is, it's Christmas day, well, early hours of the morning actually here in the UK, regardless of when and where, I would so like to wish you all a very, very Merry Christmas, maybe Happy's a better word, and, with that in mind I wish you all a happy Christmas. You see, peace, is happy, love, is happy, family, is happy, my Dad, on the other hand, was always Merry lol.

Wonderful times with wonderful people, the people you love! Family doesn't have to be blood, family can be, I dunno, the Grandpa that bought you up, the next door neighbors that make you feel safe when Mum and Dad are going at it, the dog down the road that always makes a bee-line for you... The people that make you feel happy, loved and special.
Do I believe in the spirit of Christmas? You bet your fucking ass I do, to give is the greatest gift, and even if you feel you have nothing to offer, a simple "Hello, Merry Christmas." To a homeless or old person does more than enough to lift that someones SPIRIT.
I would finish with a rhyme, but I wont get it right
So to all a great Christmas, and to all a good night!

More to follow.............


  1. How is it going?can you give us any update?

    1. It's all moving very, very slowly :( It's hard learning a new language!!

    2. I have no idea why the one above said Anon lol

  2. Hey, I know its been a long time but, do you have a walkthrough for Lark Rise...The Begining, the mini-comp game? I'm having trouble finding lube, or is it just incomplete?
