
Tuesday, 1 December 2015

A little about the game.

You are a young man at school who has the chance to dog sit for his English teacher.
There is a test at school today, if you don't do well, you'll have to stay home and study instead.
7 points needed to progress, 2 very simple bonus points to be earned. One of my testers thought the quiz was impossible, but I came up with each question and answer off the top of my head.
IF you do need help, you only have to ask, I want this shite little game to be shite and enjoyable.
All sex commands are usual.
I urge you to smell taste and take everything.
DOWNLOAD LINK ON THE RIGHT  -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> 

Good Luck!

All bug reports welcome, I already know about The door, The door, The door or The door.
Thoughts and criticisms eagerly excepted.  

The Doc

Big Bug reported, thanks for finding it. If you ask Lisa about problem when she is at home, it will take you all the way back to school. So please don't do it. 

Spoilers have been added somewhere in the comments, probably the best puzzle I've done.
I hope they help.


  1. Woot, something to play, how many endings btw? And are you only promotign the game on your blog or also elsewhere?

  2. One good ending, a few bad ones and yes only this site at the moment.

    1. Thanks, lets see if i can get them all

    2. A well done game, cheers and both thumbs up :) Can't wait to see the next part.

  3. I am struggling with the quiz... i have no idea for any of the answers despite having played most the games (albeit over a year a go now) any help would be great!

    1. Pm me doctorrealgood(AT) and I'll give you the first 5

  4. Your tester was right.

    1. As mentioned above, drop me a mail and I'll give you the first 5

  5. So I think the quiz in this game was a terrible idea. If you asked questions about the most popular pop culture of the last decade (ie - harry potter, hunger games, avengers etc) people still wouldn't know all the answers, let alone these old AIF games that people play some years ago.

    If your going to have questions of this difficulty, you should have a book in game that can be read for the answers.

    1. Fair point, a revision book may have helped, I actually just made up the questions in my head and naturally assumed that other players would be as well played as I am. I love revisiting the old games.
      Good feedback thank you.

    2. Bullshit! The quiz was great, and I probably "knew" 6; "remembered" 2; and had no clue on 2. Getting busted for checking out Emma's tits was great. Potential looks promising, but typos need corrected.

      12Th T should not be capitalized. A your should've been you're. What is YOUR MOTHERS name? needs an apostrophe (MOTHER'S) There was another, but I don't remember it, too busy wanting to go on.

      Good writing, hot sex, very nice pictures. Damn Emma looks like a girl I grew up with and never had the nerve to press further than the "friend" zone.

      Congrats, and thanks for sharing your talents.


    3. Its a decent quiz that if people dont know the answer because they havent played a particular game then they can try out the game. Which is what I am doing with ones I dont know. Unfortunately come question about Susan Harris's sister I can not find a working copy of any of the games mentioned, they all fail to load up on adrift 3.9/4/5.

    4. @Adam

      That is what I had to do, though most of them I had played, I just didn't remember several of them. Especially obscure ones such as the bartender in crossworlds - I remembered Cora but had no clue about him =P

      As for the Susan question, I think I grabbed a copy of "Choices" from the aif newsletter website. It seemed to run fine in 5.0. If you can't find it, just scroll down to Doc's post a bit below and it has that answer.

    5. found my problem, had my region locale set to japanese. changed it back to english and adrift games worked again. I did manage to google that question anyway after a number of different attempts playing verbose with google.

    6. I agree with the quiz being a bad idea. The biggest problem is that you are effectively barring anyone who is NOT a longtime AIF player from playing your game. If this was someone's first AIF experience, then they would be completely unable to proceed, and most people would not appreciate having to track down a dozen different games just to find the correct answer, especially since they run on different interpreters too.

      I think the "hint book" would've been a good idea. You can make it a puzzle, have a school library with the books and have the player find the right ones on the shelves. Especially since you split up the quiz into two parts, if people fail the first part they can recover from finding the right books.

  6. ok, the game is unplayble to me because of that quiz,
    I only played SD3 and not even know the aswer.

    too bad I wish your game was playable

    1. message me on the e-mail above and I will give you the first 5 answers, you only need 7 points and the two bonus points are easy to find.

  7. I have all the questions answered bar what point if any is the mother's name mentioned? I'm drawing a complete blank and I can't ask anyone about my mother either.

    1. x crowd when you first enter the classroom and it tells you that she often comes round to your house for a cuppa with your Mum......

    2. Beat the game with a 12/12 score woohoo :D Thanks for the tiny hint even though now I feel a little stupid for forgetting to look at her ^_^;

  8. Doc, if you are having to pm the answers to the quiz out already then you have made it too hard. And it is way, way, way, way, way, way, way too hard and rather pointless as well. Sucks all the enjoyment from the game when you can't get past first base just because you don't happen to have an encyclopaedic knowledge of aif. Oh well, never mind.

    1. I get your point, bit I said it was shite, I didn't say it was easy lol.
      Just message me if you want them or go to Sharks lagoon, there's already a thread there.

    2. Yes, very true, but as well as 'shite' you said that you wanted the game to be enjoyable, and the quiz means that it's not, and that's a shame.

    3. Point taken. It's still my first real game so it's all just trial and error. But a point well made. No more quizzes. I'm sorry you feel you can't enjoy it, I truly am. It is obviously my (and all other authors) intention to make things enjoyable. But as I said, I will get better.

    4. Maybe just post a spoiler warning and then give the results of the quiz, rather than having to pm everybody. Or do a version 1.1 where failing the quiz doesn't mess up your progress (maybe it just reduces your score or something). I'd recommend another round of proofreading if you do an update, also.

      Don't be afraid of doing a post-release update of the game; it keeps people talking about the game, which is a good thing. Also, a lot of players who get to the game will be coming to it well after the release date, so there's an audience worth updating for.

      By the way, I thought the game was fun, the art was good and most importantly the characters were interesting. I hope you do make the follow-up that the ending suggests you will.

    5. Thank you, feedback from those in the know is always good. There has been a big bug found anyway so a post release will definitely happen at some point, in the very near future.

    6. The problem with the quiz as it's written right now is that people who haven't played those other games won't be able to get it. Now, the AIF community is pretty small, but this makes it even more closed off. New players who might not have played AIF before and picked your game as the first one they try would be instantly turned off. And even veteran players could have problems if they haven't replayed the games recently.

      AIFs are already a bit hard for new people to get into. We already assume that players are familiar with using a parser, and able to naturally figure out typical IF commands and puzzle solving. Adding this extra barrier of entry makes it really unfriendly to newbies. Just something to consider.

  9. The quiz ruins the game.

  10. I liked the quiz, I went back through a few games to find the answers, most were easy to find. I just wish there was a scene with Emma and or Evie!

    1. I'm sure that all the characters have a story to tell and I'm also fairly sure that they will be told, just in a longer game next time.
      Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you.


    The first 5 answers are as follows, but you'll kick yourself.

    Two bonus points are easy to find and you only need 7 points.
    go behind the sports hall and wait for dave to leave then ask emma about sex
    the last question is your mothers name in the game, just x crowd when you enter morning class

    Thanks for playing
    The Doc

    1. APOLOGIES. You need 8 points I have been told. but there's 8 above.

    2. Part of the problem with the quiz is access to the information.

      Ex: I couldn't find a place to download BBBen's Crossworlds games, because he took them off his site for some mad reason while he's updating them to a new engine. They've been down rather a long time. It's unfair to expect people to know that "Bolger" is the name of an innkeeper in one of those games when they cannot be downloaded.

      You should probably switch the questions to something a bit more general knowledge or easily discovered via google. It would simplify things and still keep a quiz in place.

  12. Doc... don't feel bad. You just fell into a classic trap. You assumed that because you know something, everybody else does also. That sort of thinking fails to take into account differences in age, culture and life experience.

  13. Nice to see the game released, Doc! Thanks for the mention as well, it means a lot!

    As for the quiz, I won't go into it much as I think that point has been hammered ;) I will add, however, that I think things like that are fine if:
    a) There is a way to find the answers in game
    b) They are multiple choice so getting them wrong only means (probably less than ideal since it is trial and error, but it at least gives a chance)
    c) It is a bonus. As BBBen said, getting a lower score is one fix. Missing an optional scene(s) would be another, making another part more difficult, losing out on a bonus item (a vibe, etc)

    As for the rest of the game, I had a blast. Like others I wanted to get in touch with the other girls, but there are always future games, no? :) I got most everything myself, figuring out the quiz answers on my own but like some others missed the part about my mother's name. Whoops!

    The images were great, definitely high up there. The things you couldn't do much about weren't a big deal (things like the blotchy carpet texture), but the positioning and characters were wonderful - so glad you got to upgrade to them vs. the original now! =D

    I'll probably have another go at it later to see if I missed anything, but I think it was fairly straight forward. The only issues I ran into were being unsure at first about needing to repeat commands to get through. Once I realized it, though, it was pretty straightforward.

    I found a few other bits I'll mail you about, but all in all I would say it was well done! Hopefully people get past the quiz bit and enjoy the game ;) There was a lot more I wish I could do, but I guess that means you did a good job at enticing the audience. What was there was splendid.

    And finally (whew!) I would just parrot what BBBen said about the patches. Unless the game put you at your wits end and you just want to move on, it can be nice to do fixes after. But I can also understand being eager to go forward and the game is playable as is... if they can get through the quiz! =D

  14. i played, liked the pictures but i have question(s), how many sex scene are? ( i found one).
    if i finish the game without the max score i loose something? (always finish with 11 points).
    what are the bad endings? (i think i just found the good one, like the games beacause it was the fisrt that i didn't lose), this one you can answer in the email

    1. sorry for the english errors, that happen when i try to type fast., and because i'm not fluent.

    2. I got 4 bad endings but mostly variations of the same thing near the start. Basically not deciding to dogsit or failing quiz.

      There is another you can get at smoker's area...

      But these are all just quick fails, none involve sex or anything.

    3. i go tthe refusing to dogsit and failling at the quiz, the one in the smoker's area don't.

    4. @Alexandre

      In smoker's area, try eating condom. Yech!

  15. anyone know what to do about:
    "You hear a faint whisper, somewhere in the dark recesses of your head."
    I feel like I missed an opportunity or something...

    1. Nothing to be done about it, it is just a fuse with an If argument and that was the else part, I only put it in there so I knew the fuse was working. I really must take it out. Thanks for reminding me.

  16. You are far to harsh on yourself, i think this game is pretty good so far. I've not played to much, have people here but i will keep playing when i get a chance.

    The quiz was hard... but i have played all the games mentioned, but yeah, like people have said, it can be alienating for people who have not been playing aif for as long as i have.

    The game is a little rough sure... but that's to be expected from a new creator, but the writing is interesting, the graphics are great and i love the little semi hidden interactions you can find...

    So yeah... hopefully you are not to down on yourself, its not shite. The criticisms so far seem constructive, just keep them in mind when doing what ever you do next and the next game will be even better.

  17. I hope to have time in some days to play with tranquillity and I'm curious to see how many answers know without spoilers.
    I agree that if you put quiz they have to be for extra content so you can please all, who resolve them and who can be a big part of the game without needing to wait others's help.
    I can't wait how you will improve in your future games.

  18. Good played it and while its not the best game out there, its defo not the worst. Lets start with the pre-game issue i have had. The file how to open. Tads is the answer, but for anyone new out there that could have been said in either a readme file or in your post Dr.
    The title and the dog in picture, some people thanks to the internet are affraid that the game is about bestiality. No worries it is not.

    Next the quiz, its been pointed out already that those are some ridiculous questions, anyone new to aif will not be able to get past that without spoilers. And still those who aren't new cannot be expected to have played them or remember even. Either have someway ingame prior to the quiz of finding out the answers or have some questions wich are actually googleble googleable googelble.

    Pics sweet ,story decent, amount of red herrings way to many for the rewards. But for a 1st game a pretty good opener, just remember for your next game if you implent a quiz, what you know is not what the average player knows.

  19. Great game,loved it! No nrrd to come up with a new game,simply expand this one.:)

    Oh, btw. Somebody started a thread about this game also in Shark's Lagoon,

  20. What do I need to do after Lisa gets back form her date?

    1. Right after she comes back? She should mention in text what she wanted to do on the date, so why not fulfill those desires?

      * Straightforward answer below*

      Get her a drink from the fridge (open fridge, get a bottle, get glass, give glass to lisa)

      Then dance with her (repeatedly use dance with lisa until story progresses)

  21. Worst. Quiz. Ever.

  22. Might want to check "your" and "you're" again, it's the opposite way.

  23. Then again I see a lot of potential here for a longer game. Both the writing and the characters appealed to me. What turned me off were mainly the pictures that zoomed in on a body part, you kinda want to keep the girl's face somewhere in there.

    Also there's a couple bugs on the apartment. You can remove lisa's dress at any moment, for one. Then you can pour wine in the kitchen with the glass being at the living room. If you act fast enough and give wine to lisa two times before she leaves, you get an error message.

    Hope to hear more from you, and thanks for the game!

    1. Mmmm, I never even thought about giving Lisa wine before she went out, so that definitely need to be sorted. I had no idea about the dress either, but that's an easy fix. I have already fixed the 'ask about problem' issue and slowly working through the typo's and grammar. I hope to have everything fixed soon.
      Thank you for your input. All input, good or bad is well received, I need it all to get better.

  24. Just wanted to say thanks for the game (I really enjoyed the writing), and thanks for helping me discover some old AIF I missed out on. There's been too much of a negative focus on the quiz; thought I'd share something positive I gained from it :)

  25. The important thing about the quiz - These are NOT obscure questions meant to trip you up. They are HOMAGES to the "GREATS". If you don't know an answer, find out why. Most likely, the "quiz" will turn you on to some of the best AIF you have ever played.

    1. Actually that's half the reason I did the quiz, I see, on so many forums, "Which games to play?" and I thought, if nothing else, this game would push people to play the great games mentioned. I could have added others, like the Sam Shooter series. I honestly thought people would go and play the others and then come up with the answers. I still think they should!!

    2. But if you are playing a game and then you need to play another game cause your stuck, is immersion breaking.

    3. Yes, is the straight forward answer. I said I thought about it, I didn't say I thought about it thoroughly.
      In hindsight, it was to much to much to expect, and just a tad silly if I'm honest, why would I want people to leave my game and play another?
      I do, however, think that the games mentioned deserve to be played.

    4. Like already said, the idea wasn't so bad, if the quiz would have been only for having an extra scene or an alternative ending it would have been a great homage.
      I remember the night dreams in camping trip, the game was great for a first work, but that was very annoying, too long, so even the best can do some error and you want to learn and improve, this is the most important thing.
      For a first game, created with the idea of learning you have done a good job. Probably ex libris will "destroy" it in a review, but even goblinboy wasn't perfect in those reviews.

    5. don't get me wrong, you are right about that those games deserve to be played. But as a person who played them, i didn't even know the answers cause it been ages ago. And there is also the new player demographic who probaly never heard of them before either.

      If i would have done a quiz, i either probaly went with questions who are either more common knowledge, easy to google or to be found ingame before the quiz actually happens. (last one prefered cause again i want people to play my game, not searching on google cause of the immersion breaking)

      Or! After the quiz been taken put the answer ingame on your "i cannot dogsit i got to study night" But atleast give that path aswell a good ending. That gives replayability to the game. But thats in hindsight.

    6. Or even give the PC two or three turns to: "study notes" that may (or may not) reveal a couple of random answer. Then end the game. You made me go back and replay "Pool Party" yesterday.

    7. The idea of having to go back and study, and get the answers is a great idea!!
      And Marc, having to go back and play Pool party is never a bad thing lol.

  26. Hi, I played this game and enjoyed it, and I hope to see more of Evie and Emma.
    The quiz wasn't THAT bad, but I think some bonus for getting all the answers would be nice.
    I don't know if it's a bug or not but: during sex scene, when I order Lisa to play with her tits/ass/pussy, she gives a reply then game plays part where player does it to her.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the bug, I have not noticed this myself so I will look into it.
      Thanks again.

  27. The quiz is horrible and should be removed, or at least changed to questions that are actually general knowledge and not obscure shit about porn games which most people have not played.

    1. I get what your saying but, if you have not played the games mentioned, then you're in for a treat when you do. Great games, by great authors.
      Thanks for the comment.

    2. Giving the game a test drive now myself. My take on the quiz comes down this myself - I don't have a good memory of names. I'd need to look up the names of the main characters of games I've played through multiple times.
      The ultimate flaw in the quiz - if I take a break from this game to bring up a different game to research the answers, I'm not playing the game for fun I'm playing it for research reading it with a goal of finding one specific word, not just enjoying the experience.
      So basically if the game can't be played without playing the other games for the information, that means it's asking you to play these other games in a way that makes them less fun to play.
      That's a rather major problem.

  28. "Mum"'s name is nowhere to be found, i have no idea who the f is navy fox and rogue cop isn't something i want to play.
    I need 8 points to not get a game over and i'm too dumb to get them.

    But seriously... there is no mother name written anywhere.

    1. passed the quiz, at last, but what next? i'm stuck in class and no matter what i try, the teach gets angry...
      so frustrating not understanding what to do

    2. i don't understand. I'm stuck in class after the quiz. Nothing i do works.
      -Leave class, the teach gets mad
      - say yes, teach gets mad
      - say no, teach gets mad
      - wait, teach gets mad
      - try all the verbs i can think of, teach does not respond and gets mad

      Teach gets mad, undo does nothing, gotta restart every time and i have no idea how to move forward. I can't find anything that tells me what's supposed to happen, so i can't figure out what's wrong.

      It's disappointing that all i can do here is quit...

  29. If you're stuck in class, you can't have finished the quiz or you have not answered her when she asked about dog sitting, if you examine the teacher when you first enter, your mothers name is there.
