The last couple of weeks have consisted of implementing things into the things I implemented.Pillows on beds, clothes in wardrobes, buttercups in the meadow etc. It's all very tedious but, it all has to be done.
I decided to become an alcoholic, to help, through the tedious times. This is not going very well at all.
During my first drunken stupor and, mistaking them for Smarties, I took twenty paracetamol, alas, I awoke eighteen hours later with a splitting headache.
"I fear that, if it ware not for bad luck, I would have no luck at all." I mused, while scratching my left bollock and wiping the drool from my chin.
I have now become teetotal, although, I'm not sure how long that will last either, for I miss coffee so much.
Life is hectic.
Until the morrow, or the morrow after that, and so on. Be good
The Doc